Governance and Committees

Prof. Giuseppe Franchini UniBg

The Director of the Department is Prof. Giuseppe Franchini.

Mandate: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2027

The Deputy Director is Prof. Rosalba Ferrari

Departmental Council

Composition of the Departmental Council for the three-year period 2024 - 2027

Prof. Giuseppe Franchini - Head of Department

Prof.ssa Rosalba Ferrari - Deputy Head of Department

Prof.ssa Maria Grazia D’Urso

Prof. Emanuele Garda

Dr. Roberto Strada

Prof. Gianluca Traversi -

Dr. Renato Pelosato


Delegates of the Director

International Relations, Non-EU and ERASMUS mobility: Maria Sole Brioschi 

Library Scientific Committee: Renato Pelosato and Monica Resmini

Communication: Denny Coffetti

Orientation and tutoring activities: Emanuele Garda 

Internships: Roberto Strada 

Services for disabilities and specific learning disorders: Mario Lavella 

Quality Assurance: Francesco Carlo Massa

Third Mission and Public Engagement: Rosalba Ferrari


Teaching Committee

Prof. ssa Francesca Fontana (Delegate of the Head of Department)
Prof. Andrea Belleri 
Prof. Alessandro Colombo 
Dr. Federico Leo Redi 
Prof.ssa Stephanie Fest-Santini 


Research Committee

Prof. Sergio Lorenzi (Delegate of the Head of Department)
Prof.ssa Silvia Ravelli
Prof. Maurizio Santini
Dr. Paolo Giangrande
Dr. Elisa Riceputi
Dr. Davide Prati
Dr. Valentina Trovato